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Gospel Adventures Show

The Gospel Adventures Show is a weekly kids audio program created in partnership by Lutheran Hour Ministries and Group Publishing.

Through Bible Stories, songs, storytelling, and activities, kids will encounter clear and compelling Gospel themes. Join our hosts, Ben and Noah, as they teach listeners about Jesus and His love for us!

Listen the Gospel Adventures Show below or anywhere you stream podcasts.

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Episode 1: Candy-Matizer


Join Ben and Noah as they learn about the exciting purposes God has for us. They explore Adam's purpose of naming the animals and make up out-of-this-world inventions!

This episode's songs are All Creatures of Our God and King, Made for This, Ready to Serve, and Wild About Us.

Meet Dominic

Theme: I am made for a purpose.

Key Verse: Psalm 139:13-14

Supplies Needed: craft supplies (whatever you have!)

Episode 2: Flood Fright


Ben and Noah explore the biblical account of Noah, who experienced God's forgiveness when the whole world got a do-over. They use paper towels and soap to experience their own do-overs!

This episode's songs are God Forgave, You Forgive Me, and You Gave.

Meet Keizo

Theme: I am forgiven.

Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17

Supplies Needed: paper towels, washable markers, a bowl or sink full of soapy water

Episode 3: Dust Buffalos


When Noah struggles to figure out how to get into the Guinness Book of World Records, Ben helps him learn how to do his best for God--even if it doesn't break world records. Ben and Noah explore how Joseph always did his best to serve God in the Bible.

This episode's songs are I Will Follow God, I'm All In, and 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.

Meet Genevieve

Theme: I can do my best for God.

Key Verse: Colossians 3:23

Supplies Needed: none

Episode 4: Tooth Hurty


Ben is feeling a bit scared about his upcoming dentist appointment, so Noah teaches him the story of Joshua. Together, they learn how to be brave with God.

This episode's songs are I Will Not Be Afraid, I Won't Be Afraid, and Won't Worry 'Bout a Thing.

Meet Bryan

Theme: I can be brave with God.

Key Verse: Joshua 1:9

Supplies Needed: 10 things you can stack on top of each other (such as Legos, blocks, or cups)

Episode 5: I've Got Your Back


Ben and Noah are best friends. They learn about Ruth and Naomi and discover that best of all, we're God's friends!

This episode's songs are God Is For Me, I Have a Friend, and Your Friend.

Meet Renee and Alina

Theme: I am God's friend.

Key Verse: Romans 5:11

Supplies Needed: paper, something to draw with

Episode 6: Captain Chicken Dance


Ben and Noah explore how to make peace and learn practical steps to apologizing. They learn how Abigail made peace in the Bible!

This episode's songs are It Is Well with My Soul and Shalom.

Meet Sarah

Theme: I can make peace.

Key Verse: Romans 12:18

Supplies Needed: none

Episode 7: I've Gotta Hand It to You


Ben and Noah learn how Elisha helped a widow fill jars with oil! They look at handy ways they can help others, too.

This episode's songs are Give It Away, Love Round, and Ready to Serve.

Meet Ben and Sam

Theme: I can help others.

Key Verse: Romans 12:13

Supplies Needed: scissors, paper, pencil or pen

Episode 8: Ben's Not a German Shepherd


Noah talks about his new puppy! Ben (the puppy) helps remind Ben (the human) and Noah that is God like a shepherd.

This episode's songs are I'm Trusting You and I Will Trust You.

Meet Chex

Theme: I can trust God for help.

Key Verse: Psalm 23:1

Supplies Needed: tissue or cotton ball

Episode 9: Free All the Captive Penguins


Join Ben and Noah as they explore Queen Esther's story. God put Esther in the right place at the right time and he does the same for us! In this episode, try to master the game "Right Place, Right Time."

This episode's songs are Made for This and Ready to Serve.

Meet Riley

Theme: I can make a difference

Key Verse: Esther 4:14b

Supplies Needed: paper, something to draw with

Episode 10: Car Singing Is the Best!


Ben and Noah explore how Mary worshipped Jesus. You can join in worshipping Jesus in song and by filling a cup!

This episode's songs are All Creatures of Our God and King, Doxology, and Praise Him.

Meet Jadyn

Theme: I can worship Jesus.

Key Verse: Psalm 95:6

Supplies Needed: cup, small things that can fit in the cup (like cotton balls of Legos)

Episode 11: Eight Billion Years


As Ben and Noah consider what Jesus did on the cross, they realize just how much God loves us. Thre's no limit to God's love!

This episode songs are God Loves Us So and Jesus Love Me.

Meet Deacon, Hudson, and Ben

Theme: I am deeply loved.

Key Verse: John 3:16

Supplies Needed: paper, something to draw with

Episode 12: A Well-Done Plate of Earmuffs


As Ben recovers from a power outage at his home, Noah and Ben explore what it means to receive power from the Holy Spirit. You can try translating foreign phrases and play with the power in your home.

This episode's song are Living By the Spirit, My God Is Powerful, and Your Power Will Pull Us Through.

Meet some new friends

Theme: I have power through the Holy Spirit.

Key Verse: Acts 1:8

Supplies Needed: none

Episode 13: Bombastic Beluga


Ben and Noah see how well they know each other and examine how we can grow closer to God. In this episode, you can make a fun reminder to stick close to God at all times.

This episode's songs are Leaning on the Everlasting Arms and Never Let Me Go.

Meet Noa and Mcenna

Theme: I can grow closer to God.

Key Verse: Colossians 2:6-7a

Supplies Needed: three pieces of ribbon, about a foot each

Episode 14: Little Leroy's Bait Shop


Ben is bursting at the seams to share a big, exciting announcement! Ben and Noah discover that God is trustworthy, and they see how Paul and Silas trusted God as they shared the big, exciting news about Jesus. You'll get to join in the fun and practice putting your trust in God.

This episode's songs are I'm Trusting You, In You Alone, and Stand Strong.

Meet Gracie

Theme: God is trustworthy.

Key Verse: Isaiah 40:31

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 15: A Wild Band of Paper Lions


Ben is settling into a new apartment but learns that his real home is in heaven! As Ben and Noah explore what heaven is like, you can find things that remind you of heaven.

This episode's songs are Forever God, Forever Love, This Train Is Bound for Glory, and We Will Live Forever.

Meet Kylie

Theme: I'm made for forever.

Key Verse: Philippians 3:20

Supplies Needed: something that can swing, such as a belt or jumprope

Episode 16: It's Hard to Beat a Lizard


Ben and Noah celebrate the good news of Jesus' birth as they discover that we matter to Jesus! Join them and think of the prefect Christmas present for Jesus.

This episode's songs are Angels We Have Heard on High and Go, Tell it on the Mountain.

Meet Patrick

Theme: I matter to Jesus.

Key Verse: Luke 2:10-11

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 17: Coolest Road Trip Ever!


As Ben searches for the Christmas presents he did, he and Noah discover that we can find Jesus. They'll learn about how the wise men found Jesus and help you practice looking for Jesus at work.

This episode's songs are Come, Thou Almighty King, O Come, All Ye Faithfull, and Joy to the World.

Meet Isaac

Theme: I can find Jesus.

Key Verse: Jeremiah 29:13

Supplies Needed: sticky notes, pencil

Episode 18: Do Not Pet the Penguins


Join Ben and Noah as they learn a prayer to help them say no to temptation. Noah will need that prayer to say no to the temptation of stealing Ben's cookies!

This episode's songs are Rescue Me, Stand Strong, and There's Power in the Blood.

Meet Noah

Theme: God helps us say "no" to temptation.

Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:13

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 19: Pogo Man


Ben is disappointed to discover his long-awaited pogo stick doesn't measure up to the promises in the ad. But you can join him in the joy of learning God's promises, which always hold true.

This episode's songs are We Can Trust Him, God in Every Day, and Never Let Go of Me.

Meet some new friends

Theme: God keeps His promises.

Key Verse: Psalm 33:4

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 20: A Really Lumpy Living Room


Noah learns to make peace with his wife by cleaning up his smelly socks. And you'll get a chance to practice making things right with others, too!

This episode's songs are Shalom, God Forgave, and Give It Away.

Meet Phillip and Timothy

Theme: God helps us make things right with others.

Key Verse: Romans 12:18

Supplies Needed: paper, tape

Episode 21: Happy Hedgehogs


As Ben figures out how to help his nephew, Noah and Ben meet some friends who are great helpers! Play a game with them to practice taking interest in others, and find out how you can be a helper!

This episode songs are Ready to Serve and I'm All In.

Meet Lauren

Theme: God uses us to help others.

Key Verse: Philippians 2:4

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 22: Calico Cornflakes


Join Ben and Noah as they learn to let go of their own plans... and trust God with what's most important to them.

This episode's songs are 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus and God Will Guide Us.

Meet Mayah and Will

Theme: God has a plan.

Key Verse: Jeremiah 29:11

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 23: Climb a Tree While Carrying a Crocodile


Follow some of Ben and Noah's silly rules, and discover why God's rules are the best way to live!

This episode's songs are The Golden Rule, In you Alone, and I'm All In.

Meet Bronson

Theme: God's rules are the best way to live.

Key Verse: Matthew 22:37-39

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 24: Bobblehead Ben


As Ben battles a giant in the boxing ring, he learns how God helps us face big things. Join Ben and Noah in a unique workout--and give your cares to God.

This episode's songs are God Is For Me and No Matter What I'm Facing.

Meet Amara

Theme: God helps us face big things.

Key Verse: Psalm 46:1

Supplies Needed: paper, something to write with, tape

Episode 25: Fruity Cooties


Noah isn't making the wisest choice about what he eats for a snack. But when Ben and Noah hear stories about wise choices, you can help them try to make wiser choices!

This episode's songs are Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, Wisdom Wave, and In You Alone.

Meet Emilee and Helene

Theme: God gives us wisdom.

Key Verse: James 1:5

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 26: God Isn't Like a Wobbly Bike


Stand strong with Ben and Noah as they test their strength and learn how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood strong in their faith. Find out if Noah finds the strength to pray in front of the church!

This episode's songs are Stand Strong and My God Is Powerful.

Meet James

Theme: God helps stand strong

Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 16:13

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 27: Do Honey-Dipped Locusts Stain?


As Ben mourns staining his favorite T-shirt, he and Noah discover that Jesus takes sin away. Join them as you clean up a mess and spend time talking to Jesus!

This episode's songs are You Forgive Me, This Little Light of Mine, and There's Power in the Blood.

Meet Dominic

Theme: Jesus Takes sin away

Key Verse: John 1:29

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 28: The Slither Stroke


As Ben prepares for a lifeguard test, he'll teach you some brand-new, super-fun swim strokes! Best of all, you'll learn about the greatest Lifeguard ever: Jesus!

This episode's songs are No Greater Love, I'm All In, and My Hope Is in the Lord.

Meet Gunnar and Hudson

Theme: Jesus came to save us.

Key Verse: John 3:16

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 29: Rodent Roundup


Ben and Noah look for a lost pet mouse in their studio as they learn how to seek Jesus and put Him first. Join them and practice seeking, too!

This episode's songs are One True God, 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, and Give It Away.

Meet Brody

Theme: Jesus is more important than anything

Key Verse: Matthew 6:33

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 30: Stickley the Cactus


Ben mourns the death of this pet cactus, Stickley. But Ben and Noah celebrate that Jesus came back to life! And you can celebrate with them as you play Look Alive!

This episode's songs are There's Power in the Blood, Jesus Is Alive, and We Will Live Forever.

Meet Genevieve and Cayde

Theme: Jesus is alive.

Key Verse: Romans 6:10

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 31: Whipper-Tooties


Noah doubts his doctor's diagnosis that he needs his tonsils removed. You can join Ben and Noah as they learn to trust Jesus with all their doubts.

This episode's songs are Jesus Is Alive, The Old Rugged Cross, I Will Trust You, and Jesus Loves Me.

Meet The Laflin Family

Theme: Jesus is real.

Key Verse: John 20:29

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 32: The Duck that Ate Milwaukee


Does your pet have any unlikely talents? Find out what Ben and Noah's pets can do; then try to figure out how God can work though you in unlikely ways!

This episode's songs are God of Great Wonders, I'm All In , and Ready to Serve.

Meet Ethan and Owen

Theme: God works through unlikely people.

Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:7

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 33: Ben's Fishy Odor


Join Ben and Noah as they meet Deborah and discover how God can guide us to make wise choices.

This episode's songs are Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, I'm Trusting You, and God Will Guide Us.

Meet Deb

Theme: God guides us.

Key Verse: Isaiah 30:21

Supplies Needed: paper, markers

Episode 34: DJ Noahnator


Ben and Noah don't always listen well ... but God does! Join them as you learn how to talk with God and wait for His answers to prayer.

This episode's songs are Pray About Everything and I Will Pray.

Meet Shannon

Theme: God hears our prayers.

Key Verse: Psalm 34:17

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 35: Delecto Delights


Explore the amazing things God has done! And find out the amazing things Ben and Noah can and cannot do. Plus, you'll get to celebrate God with popcorn praise!

This episode's songs are God of Great Wonders and My God Is Powerful.

Meet Hannah

Theme: God does amazing things.

Key Verse: Psalm 77:14

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 36: A Tapestry of Splattered Sauce


Come and see how God's Word changes us, as you play games with Ben and Noah that help you explore the way God lights up our way. Plus, listen to the Bible and see how God wants to change you!

The episode's songs are God Will Guide Us and Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.

Meet Winter

Theme: God's Word changes us.

Key Verse: Psalm 119:105

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 37: Check Out These Bunny Ear Loops!


You'll get a lot of chances to get things right in this episode! See if you can beat Noah to rock, paper, scissors ... and if not, try again! Can you do the opposite of what Ben says? Keep trying in this fun episode.

This episode's songs are God Forgave, Rescue Me, and You Forgive Me.

Meet Dave

Theme: God doesn't give up on us.

Key Verse: 1 John 1:9

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 38: A Jiggle of Jellyfish


Can you find the right words? Ben and Noah learn how God helps us be bold and gives us the right words to share about Jesus. Then practice doing it!

This episode's songs areGod of Great Wonders, Ready to Serve, and 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.

Meet Olivia and Elyse

Theme: God helps us be bold.

Key Verse: Ephesians 6:19

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 39: Totally Not Nibbled by Bears


Follow Ben's silly directions and learn why following the Holy Spirit's leading is always a good idea!

This episode's songs are God Will Guide Us, Never Let Go of Me, and Living by the Spirit.

Meet Sievert

Theme: The Holy Spirit leads us.

Key Verse: John 16:13

Supplies Needed: (none)

Episode 40: A Mob of Mutant Tacos


Would you rather be able to talk with animals or see in the dark? Even if you can't do those things, Ben and Noah will help you find out what gifts God has given you to share!

This episode's songs are Give It Away and God Has Given to Me.

Meet Analiz

Theme: God gives us gifts to share.

Key Verse: 1 Peter 4:10

Supplies Needed: none

SEASONS:    Season 1   Season 2